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10 Things Cheaper in Greece than India

May 7, 2024 | by


When it comes to traveling, one of the factors that we often consider is the cost. While India is known for being a budget-friendly destination, there are certain things that you might be surprised to find are actually cheaper in Greece. Whether you’re planning a trip or just curious about the differences between these two countries, here are 10 things that you can find at a lower cost in Greece compared to India.

List of 10 Things Cheaper in Greece than India

1. Accommodation

One of the first things you’ll notice is that accommodation in Greece tends to be cheaper than in India. From hotels to vacation rentals, you can find a variety of options that fit your budget. Whether you’re looking to stay in a budget hotel or a luxury resort, Greece offers a range of affordable choices.

2. Transportation

Getting around in Greece is generally more affordable than in India. Whether you choose to use public transportation or rent a car, you’ll find that the cost of transportation in Greece is relatively cheaper. This means that you can explore more of the country without breaking the bank.

3. Dining Out

If you’re a food lover, you’ll be delighted to know that dining out in Greece is often cheaper than in India. From traditional Greek tavernas to international cuisine, there are plenty of options to choose from at affordable prices. You can indulge in delicious Greek dishes without worrying about your budget.

4. Alcohol

For those who enjoy a drink or two, Greece offers cheaper alcohol prices compared to India. Whether you prefer wine, beer, or spirits, you’ll find that the cost of alcohol in Greece is generally lower. This is great news for those looking to unwind and enjoy a night out without spending a fortune.

5. Shopping

If you’re a shopaholic, Greece is a paradise for you. From local markets to high-end boutiques, Greece offers a wide range of shopping options at affordable prices. Whether you’re looking for clothing, accessories, or souvenirs, you’ll find that prices in Greece are often cheaper compared to India.

6. Entertainment

When it comes to entertainment, Greece offers a variety of options at lower prices. Whether you’re interested in visiting museums, attending concerts, or exploring historical sites, you’ll find that the cost of entertainment in Greece is generally more affordable than in India.

7. Healthcare

If you find yourself in need of healthcare services while traveling, you’ll be pleased to know that Greece offers cheaper healthcare compared to India. From doctor’s visits to medication, the cost of healthcare in Greece is often lower, making it more accessible for travelers.

8. Outdoor Activities

Greece is known for its stunning natural beauty and outdoor activities. Whether you’re interested in hiking, swimming, or exploring ancient ruins, you’ll find that the cost of outdoor activities in Greece is generally cheaper than in India. This means that you can enjoy the beauty of Greece without breaking the bank.

9. Spa and Wellness

If you’re looking to relax and rejuvenate, Greece offers a range of spa and wellness services at affordable prices. From luxurious spa resorts to traditional wellness centers, you’ll find that the cost of spa treatments and wellness activities in Greece is often lower compared to India.

10. Tourist Attractions

Lastly, visiting tourist attractions in Greece is often cheaper than in India. Whether you’re exploring ancient ruins, visiting historical sites, or enjoying scenic landscapes, you’ll find that the cost of entry tickets and guided tours in Greece is generally more affordable.


In conclusion, while India is known for being a budget-friendly destination, there are certain things that you can find at a lower cost in Greece. From accommodation and transportation to dining out and shopping, Greece offers a range of affordable options for travelers. So, if you’re looking for a budget-friendly destination with a rich history and stunning landscapes, Greece might just be the perfect choice for you.


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